Philip Tagari switches Amgen’s discovery lab for insitro’s machine learning tools; CEO Joaquin Duato to chair J&J’s board – Endpoints News

Philip Tagari
In Feb­ru­ary, Philip Tagari will take a couple of days of re­tire­ment after which im­me­di­ate­ly re­flip to in­dus­attempt. He received’t be lead­ing the ther­a­peu­tics dis­cov­ery unit for a big bio­phar­ma, although.
He’ll commerce in his Am­gen hat for chief sci­en­tist at a ma­chine study­ing begin­up that has reeled in hun­dreds of mil­lions in cap­i­tal to lay the bottom­work for a much-hyped new mod­el of drug dis­cov­ery that goals to velocity up the time to new clin­i­cal as­units.
At in­sitro, the 24-year Am­gen vet­er­an will advert­costume what he calls the “in­tractable chal­lenges” of drug R&D. His man­date, per CEO Daphne Koller on this week’s ap­level­ment an­nounce­ment, is to hunt for “new tar­will get and de­signal ther­a­peu­tic mol­e­cules.”
“The chal­lenge was for Am­gen and me, an es­tab­lished bio­phar­ma, is to construct that air­airplane whilst you’re fly­ing the cur­lease air­airplane,” Tagari mentioned in an in­ter­view with End­factors News.
Some in­tro­spec­tion at Am­gen, round 2018, led Tagari to take a deep dive in­to the three most important “buck­ets” of chal­lenges within the in­dus­attempt: what to work on (dis­eases, in­di­ca­tions, tar­will get, and so forth.); “how to fast­ly ar­rive at a ther­a­peu­tic en­ti­ty”; and trans­lat­ing that work in­to the “proper and con­vinc­ing clin­i­cal ex­per­i­ment” in order that “fan­tas­tic-look­ing mol­e­cules” don’t flop on ef­fi­ca­cy and/or protected­ty.
He be­got here extra in­ter­est­ed in how these chal­lenges may very well be advert­dressed by au­toma­tion, ma­chine study­ing and oth­er instruments.
The in­sitro plat­type sparked his in­ter­est, sufficient to reel him in. It helped that Roger Perl­mut­ter, whom Tagari labored for at each Mer­ck and Am­gen, was as­so­ci­at­ed with in­sitro, as an in­de­pen­dent board mem­ber.
As he gears up for the subsequent stage of his ca­reer, Takari factors to can­cer drug Lumakras and cho­les­terol-low­er­ing deal with­ment Repatha as some excessive­lights of his time at Am­gen. From his 10 years at Mer­ck, within the late ’80s and many of the ’90s, he nonetheless sees the fruits of his la­bor daily: His spouse takes a gener­ic ver­sion of an asth­mat­ic drug on which he labored. The im­pact on pa­tients is high of thoughts, he mentioned, and much more so when that med­i­cine helps some­physique in your individual fam­i­ly. Plus, the drug racked up tens of bil­lions in gross sales fol­low­ing its launch brief­ly be­fore the flip of the mil­len­ni­um.
Dur­ing his time within the labs of Mer­ck and Am­gen, Tagari has touched mul­ti­ple pock­ets of drug de­vel­op­ment: small mol­e­cules, bi­o­log­ics, an­ti­bod­ies, pep­tide ther­a­peu­tics, oligonu­cleotides, T cell en­gagers, en­gi­neered cy­tokines and oth­ers. For the previous decade, he ran Am­gen’s ther­a­peu­tic dis­cov­ery work, introduced to­geth­er un­der one unit af­ter the bio­phar­ma took a “self-ex­am­i­na­tion” within the ear­ly 2010s, he mentioned.
— Kyle LaHu­cik

Joaquin Du­a­to
→ In one of many extra high-pro­file CEO tran­si­tions of the previous 12 months, Joaquin Du­a­to took over for Alex Gorsky at J&J on Jan. 3, leav­ing Gorsky within the function of chair­man. But begin­ing in Jan­u­ary 2023, Du­a­to is tak­ing that ti­tle too.
So ends Gorsky’s as­so­ci­a­tion with the Big Phar­ma that be­gan in 1988 as a gross sales rep for Janssen, ris­ing to CEO in 2012. When he an­nounced his de­par­ture as chief ex­ec­u­tive in Au­gust 2021, it’s­gan a cas­cade of ex­its in­volv­ing a few of the greatest names on the phar­ma gi­ant. Chief sci­en­tist Paul Stof­fels re­drained on Dec. 31, 2021, then took on the daunt­ing job of flip­ing round Gala­pa­gos. And in Au­gust, head of R&D Math­ai Mam­males jumped ship him­self. Mam­males’s identify popped up as a pos­si­ble can­di­date to re­place Michel Vounatsos as CEO of Bio­gen, however that job ul­ti­mate­ly went to ex-Sanofi chief Chris Viehbach­er.
Du­a­to had been vice chair­man of the ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee be­fore his as­cent to CEO.
Doug Man­ion
→ Im­muno-in­flam­ma­to­ry dis­ease biotech Aclaris Ther­a­peu­tics will reshuf­fle the lead­er­ship deck in a giant method as soon as we flip the cal­en­dar to 2023. Bris­tol My­ers Squibb vet­er­an and for­mer Are­na Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals R&D chief Doug Man­ion joined Aclaris in Au­gust as pres­i­dent and COO, however he’ll vault to the highest spot as cur­lease CEO Neal Walk­er be­comes chair­man. Walk­er suc­ceeds Christo­pher Mo­lin­eaux, who would be the lead in­de­pen­dent di­rec­tor.
The shake­up con­tin­ues with the re­tire­ment of Frank Ruf­fo, the fi­nance chief at Aclaris for the entire of its ex­is­tence. While VP of fi­nance Kevin Balthas­er will take over as CFO on Jan. 1, Matthew Roth­man’s fast as­cent to gen­er­al coun­sel and cor­po­price sec­re­tary has al­prepared tak­en ef­fect. It’s his third professional­mo­tion this 12 months, mov­ing up to ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor, cor­po­price coun­sel in Jan­u­ary and VP, le­gal and com­pli­ance in June.
Jef­frey Gold­berg
→ Austin, TX-based Ae­glea Bio­Ther­a­peu­tics has discovered a per­ma­nent re­place­ment for An­tho­ny Quinn, faucet­ping Jef­frey Gold­berg as CEO whereas in­ter­im chief Jim Kas­ten­could­er re­turns full-time to his submit as gen­er­al coun­sel. Gold­berg’s final CEO job was with Im­mu­ni­tas Ther­a­peu­tics, go­ing the ba­ton to Aman­da Wag­n­er in No­vem­ber 2021. A Sanofi Gen­zyme alum, Gold­berg al­so spent 4 years as COO of Akcea. Quinn’s ex­it was a part of a pipeline re­fo­cus/job lower mael­strom that rocked Ae­glea this sum­mer and noticed the biotech change its lead can­di­date from pegzi­larginase (which has a examine­ered his­to­ry that in­cludes an RTF) to its ho­mo­cystin­uria drug peg­tarvil­iase, as soon as referred to as AGLE-177.
David Horn Solomon
→ David Horn Solomon has re­signed as CEO of Pharnext, whereas chair­man Joshua Schafer re­locations him on an in­ter­im ba­sis. The ex-CEO of Zealand Phar­ma, Akari Ther­a­peu­tics and Si­lence Ther­a­peu­tics had led the com­pa­ny since April 2020 and palms over a biotech that’s in a Phase III tri­al for Char­cot-Marie-Tooth dis­ease sort 1A — it’s professional­ject­ed to learn out da­ta on the finish of subsequent 12 months. Athena Bioven­tures man­ag­ing di­rec­tor and Si­lo Phar­ma VP of R&D Jim Kuo is slat­ed to fill the board va­can­cy that Horn Solomon al­so cre­at­ed.
Dar­rin Beaupre
→ Syn­thet­ic deadly­i­ty play­er Ideaya Bio­sciences has pegged Dar­rin Beaupre as CMO. In 2020, Beaupre left his job as Pfiz­er’s SVP, head of ear­ly on­col­o­gy de­vel­op­ment and clin­i­cal re­search to be a part of Sa­mumed (now Bios­plice) as CMO and head of R&D in on­col­o­gy. Ideaya’s inventory $IDYA took successful in Au­gust when GSK de­clined its op­tion to de­vel­op IDE397, a MAT2A (me­thio­n­ine adeno­syl­trans­ferase 2a) in­hibitor, nevertheless it has re­sure­ed con­sid­er­ably within the months since.
Scott Kollins
→ Peer Re­view en­cour­ages you to learn Nicole De­Feud­is’ fea­ture on the place we’re to­day with dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics, and to professional­vide guid­ance in that house, Ak­ili — the mak­er of FDA-ap­proved online game En­deav­or­Rx — has ap­level­ed AD­HD re­searcher Scott Kollins as CMO. Kollins had a two-decade ca­reer within the psy­chi­a­attempt to be­hav­ioral sci­ences de­half­ment on the Duke Uni­ver­si­ty School of Med­i­cine and was CMO of Hol­musk. “We have deal with­ed AD­HD within the U.S. in vir­tu­al­ly the identical method for greater than 50 years; suppliers and pa­tients want new op­tions,” Kollins mentioned in a press re­lease. “Ak­ili is in a singular po­si­tion to chal­lenge the sta­tus quo and alter the deal with­ment par­a­digm with distinctive dig­i­tal med­i­cine to im­show pa­tient care.”
Ed­uard Gasal
→ Syn­cona– and For­bion-backed IL-2 play­er Anaveon has giv­en CMO du­ties to Ed­uard Gasal, who simply had a short run as CMO after which pres­i­dent of Eli Lil­ly’s sin­til­imab half­ner In­novent. A se­ries of on­col­o­gy posts at Am­gen from 2008-16 caught the at­ten­tion of No­var­tis, the place Gasal was ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor and glob­al professional­gram clin­i­cal head in on­col­o­gy clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment. In­ci­den­tal­ly, the No­var­tis Ven­ture Fund performed a job in Anaveon’s $119 mil­lion Se­ries B final 12 months.
Guo­jun Bu
→ Un­til re­cent­ly the chair of the de­half­ment of neu­ro­science on the Mayo Clin­ic, Guo­jun Bu is now mak­ing the leap in­to in­dus­attempt, the place he’ll assist steer ear­ly-stage work on medicine for Parkin­son’s and Alzheimer’s in­to the clin­ic. The ed­i­tor-in-chief of Mol­e­c­u­lar Neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion, Bu will now take con­trol of the dis­cov­ery and pre-clin­i­cal work at SciNeu­ro, the place he’ll be answerable for trans­la­tion­al work as the brand new CSO. Ear­li­er, he had been a professional­fes­sor of cell bi­ol­o­gy and neu­ro­science on the Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty School of Med­i­cine in St. Louis.
Bu received’t be new to the work at SciNeu­ro, which has op­er­a­tions in Rockville, MD and Shang­hai. “Hav­ing had a protracted­stand­ing as­so­ci­a­tion with SciNeu­ro as a sci­en­tif­ic advert­vi­sor, I’m thrilled to be a part of the com­pa­ny as chief sci­en­tif­ic of­fi­cer,” Bu mentioned.
Chris­tine Fos­ter
→ Mnemo Ther­a­peu­tics, a Paris CAR-T begin­up with Michel Sade­lain as one of many sci­en­tif­ic co-founders, has picked up Chris­tine Fos­ter as CBO. Fos­ter de­camps from Metageno­mi af­ter simply eight months in the identical ca­pac­i­ty. The Te­va and GSK vet has al­so made stops at Sunovion (head of search and eval­u­a­tion, cor­po­price de­vel­op­ment & li­cens­ing), Ac­celeron (VP, busi­ness de­vel­op­ment) and In­tel­lia (SVP, busi­ness de­vel­op­ment). Helmed by for­mer Bay­er ex­ec Robert La­Caze, Mnemo has named an­oth­er sci­en­tif­ic co-founder, Se­bas­t­ian Amigore­na, as SVP, im­munol­o­gy.
Karen An­der­son
→ Medicxi begin­up Centes­sa Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has propped up he­mo­phil­ia A and B can­di­date Ser­pin­PC as its lead as­set fol­low­ing the dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of lix­i­vap­tan in June. This week, Bio­gen and Pfiz­er hu­man re­sources alum Karen An­der­son has ven­tured off to Centes­sa as chief peo­ple of­fi­cer. An­der­son, the chief hu­man re­sources of­fi­cer with Al­ny­lam from 2014-19, re­cent­ly held the function of HR chief at cloud-based cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­ny Mime­solid.
Pe­ter Williams
→ In­cyte has dipped in­to the Big Phar­ma effectively to ap­level Pe­ter Williams as gen­er­al man­ag­er of the UK and Ire­land. In his re­cent stint at Gilead UK, Williams was se­nior di­rec­tor or gross sales and mar­ket­ing for each the on­col­o­gy and in­flam­ma­tion busi­ness items. He’s al­so been a busi­ness unit di­rec­tor in on­col­o­gy dur­ing his 5 years with Ab­b­Vie UK. A cou­ple months in the past, In­cyte paid $70 mil­lion in money to purchase Vil­laris Ther­a­peu­tics and its vi­tili­go as­set au­re­molimab.
→ Through the slings and ar­rows of the bear mar­ket, Pe­ter Thiel-backed males­tal well being play­er atai Life Sci­ences slimmed down its pipeline and ditched some half­ner­ships in an ef­fort to save mon­ey. With new CFO Stephen Bardin in place and a $175 mil­lion time period mortgage fa­cil­i­ty from Her­cules Cap­i­tal professional­vid­ing a fi­nan­cial buffer, atai has wel­comed Sahil Kir­pekar as CBO. In his eight-plus years at Ot­su­ka, Kir­pekar was head of busi­ness de­vel­op­ment and co-chaired its Glob­al In­vest­ment Com­mit­tee.
Igna­cio Muñoz-San­juán
→ A lit­tle be­fore Ca­jal Neu­ro­science launched this week with $96 mil­lion to tack­le Alzheimer’s and Parkin­son’s, Igna­cio Muñoz-San­juán joined the crew as CEO. Muñoz-San­juán hails from the CH­DI Foun­da­tion, the place he was VP of tran­si­tion­al bi­ol­o­gy and was pres­i­dent and co-founder of non-prof­it Fac­tor-H. Ear­li­er in his ca­reer, Muñoz-San­juán was with Am­gen.
→ Qui­et mi­cro­bio­me play­er Mi­cro­bi­ot­i­ca is hav­ing a change within the guard in its lead­er­ship group, with CEO Mike Ro­manos go­ing the ba­ton to COO Tim Sharp­ing­ton af­ter six years on the helm as he heads to Im­pe­r­i­al Col­lege, Lon­don. The change comes not lengthy af­ter the com­pa­ny’s $67 mil­lion money in­fu­sion in March. Sharp­ing­ton brings ex­pe­ri­ence from his occasions at Vec­tura, Arakis, ICON, Se­qu­us and Open Or­phan/hVI­VO.
Joel Kauf­man
→ A cou­ple weeks in the past, Lei Lei Wu re­port­ed on can­cer de­tec­tion up­begin Haystack On­col­o­gy and its $56 mil­lion Se­ries A; CEO Dan Edel­stein and the crew are wast­ing no time flesh­ing out the lead­er­ship with Joel Kauf­man as CFO. The ex-busi­ness chief at Navidea Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Kauf­man breaks away from Se­ma4, the place he had been VP of fi­nance & cor­po­price de­vel­op­ment since May 2021.
Cor­nelia Haag-Molken­teller
→ Mak­ing its first ap­pear­ance, French “pin­level gene ther­a­py” biotech EG 427 has lined up Cor­nelia Haag-Molken­teller as CMO. Haag-Molken­teller left the identical submit at Urovant Sci­ences in March, and he or she finish­ed greater than a decade at Al­ler­gan as VP and ther­a­peu­tic space head in glob­al clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment for ladies’s well being, in­ter­nal med­i­cine, an­ti-in­fec­tives, and urol­o­gy from 2015-18. EG 427 is fore­solid­ing a 2024 tar­get date to hit the clin­ic with its lead drug for neu­ro­genic blad­der dys­func­tion, EG110A.
→ Take­da gene ther­a­py half­ner Se­lec­ta Bio­sciences has re­cruit­ed Blaine Davis as CFO. The Bris­tol My­ers busi­ness de­vel­op­ment vet and for­mer En­do ex­ec held this identical po­si­tion at Pro­tara Ther­a­peu­tics from 2020 un­til this previous Ju­ly. Se­lec­ta obtained slowed down by a clin­i­cal maintain on its methyl­malonic acidemia professional­gram SEL-302, nevertheless it’s all sys­tems go for ear­ly-stage tri­als now that the maintain has been carry­ed.
Ed­mund Lee
→ As CSO De­nis Dry­gin sig­nals his de­par­ture, San Diego mR­NA biotech Reg­u­lus Ther­a­peu­tics has a pair of recent ex­ecs who as soon as labored at San­i­match: Rekha Garg (SVP, clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment and reg­u­la­to­ry) is an Am­gen and Eli Lil­ly vet who was SVP, reg­u­la­to­ry af­festivals and protected­ty at San­i­match from 2016-19, and Claire Pad­gett (SVP, clin­i­cal op­er­a­tions) got here from Mi­rati to tackle the function of SVP, de­vel­op­ment op­er­a­tions on the Span­ish com­pa­ny that was pur­chased by Vi­for. Dry­gin’s ex­it comes af­ter the child­ney dis­ease drug lademirsen spit the bit in Phase II, caus­ing its lengthy­time half­ner Sanofi to shut down de­vel­op­ment in Au­gust.
An­oth­er be aware: Reg­u­lus professional­mot­ed Mor­gan Carl­son to VP, bi­ol­o­gy and Ed­mund Lee to VP, trans­la­tion­al med­i­cine.
Mai­ja Hollmén
→ Mai­ja Hollmén has been ap­level­ed CSO of Fin­land’s Faron Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. Hollmén co-found­ed Faron in 2007 and shall be tasked with steer­ing de­vel­op­ment of bex­mar­il­imab for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodys­plas­tic syn­drome. She’s al­so a professional­fes­sor of tu­mor im­munol­o­gy on the Uni­ver­si­ty of Turku.
Nan­cy Bo­man
→ Gam­ma delta T cell de­vel­op­er Adicet Bio has in­stalled Nan­cy Bo­man as chief reg­u­la­to­ry of­fi­cer. Bo­man’s lengthy ca­reer in reg­u­la­to­ry af­festivals in­clud­ed stops at Am­gen, Genen­tech, and Alder Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals be­fore she labored on the spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy drug Zol­gens­ma as SVP of reg­u­la­to­ry af­festivals — and lat­er chief reg­u­la­to­ry of­fi­cer — for AveX­is, now No­var­tis Gene Ther­a­pies. Since 2019, she had been chief reg­u­la­to­ry of­fi­cer of En­cod­ed Ther­a­peu­tics.
→ Bris­tol My­ers-backed pep­tide store Sapi­ence Ther­a­peu­tics has en­record­ed Abi Vain­stein-Ha­ras as med­ical chief, re­plac­ing con­sult­ing CMO Al­ice Bex­on. To shut out her sev­en years at Te­va, Vain­stein-Ha­ras was di­rec­tor and clin­i­cal professional­gram chief for the mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis med Co­pax­one, and since 2014 she’s had a hand­ful of posts at Bi­o­Lin­eRx, in­clud­ing CMO. Nex­Point and Bris­tol My­ers con­tributed to Sapi­ence’s $41 mil­lion Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing in late May.
Pe­te Gough
→ Speak­ing of pep­tides, Madi­son, WI-based Roche spin­out Nim­ble Ther­a­peu­tics has locked in Pe­te Gough as CSO. Gough owned the identical job ti­tle at Flag­ship’s Inzen Ther­a­peu­tics, which com­bined with Cyg­nal to type Sonata Ther­a­peu­tics in May. He’s al­so been head of the he­pati­tis B virus dis­cov­ery per­for­mance unit dur­ing a 15-year ca­reer with GSK.
→ Stan Mu­sial is knock­ing it out of the park once more in Peer Re­view, this time as fi­nance chief of New York on­col­o­gy biotech Promon­to­ry Ther­a­peu­tics. In Ju­ly 2021, we advised you about Mu­sial tak­ing the CFO job at Aru­vant af­ter tack­ling CFO/CBO du­ties at Dan­ish biotech Xenikos. Promon­to­ry, the com­pa­ny for­mer­ly referred to as Phos­platin, employed VPs He­lene Shea and Kate Hogg Call in Sep­tem­ber.
Bri­an Koh
→ Ear­ly can­cer de­tec­tion spe­cial­ist Prog­nomiQ has ap­level­ed Bri­an Koh as CMO. Koh had sev­er­al lead­er­ship roles in hema­tol­ogy and on­col­o­gy at Kite and Gilead, then moved on to lead trans­la­tion­al sci­ences and clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment at Vi­vid­ion, which was offered to Bay­er in a close to­ly $2 bil­lion deal final 12 months.
→ Shane Lea has signed on as chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer of can­cer-fo­cused Cel­lec­tar Bio­sciences. Lea ran the hema­tol­ogy fran­chise at TG Ther­a­peu­tics af­ter 9 years of mar­ket­ing roles with Cel­gene/Bris­tol My­ers. Cel­lec­tar’s lead professional­gram, iopo­fo­s­ine, is in a Phase II research for Walden­strom’s macroglob­u­line­mia and a Phase IIb tri­al for re­lapsed/re­frac­to­ry mul­ti­ple myelo­ma.
Mer­cedes Diz
→ Barcelona der­ma­tol­ogy biotech Almi­rall has el­e­vat­ed lengthy­time staffer Mer­cedes Diz to VP, cor­po­price strat­e­gy. Diz joined the group in 2002 and he or she had been se­nior di­rec­tor of cor­po­price strat­e­gy for the final 12 months. Her professional­mo­tion comes af­ter Car­los Gal­lar­do took over for his fa­ther, Jorge Gal­lar­do, as Almi­rall’s in­ter­im CEO on May 6.
Rachael Eas­t­on
→ With its lead as­set bezu­clas­tinib in Phase III for fuel­troin­testi­nal stro­mal tu­mors (GIST), Co­gent Bio­sciences has introduced in Rachael Eas­t­on as VP, head of clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment. Eas­t­on’s three years at GSK have drawn to a detailed, and since Oc­to­ber 2021 she was the phar­ma gi­ant’s group se­nior med­ical di­rec­tor, on­col­o­gy clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment. She’s al­so held clin­i­cal phar­ma­col­o­gy and trans­la­tion­al med­i­cine po­si­tions at CSL Behring and Sanofi.
Aman­da Mor­gan
→ Strik­ing a take care of fel­low ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal out­match Point Bio­phar­ma for $260 mil­lion up­entrance, Lan­theus has se­lect­ed Aman­da Mor­gan as SVP, com­mer­cial because it cir­cles the wag­ons across the two medicine within the al­liance, PNT2002 and PNT2003. Mor­gan comes from Aca­dia Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, the place she was professional­mot­ed to chief rev­enue and cus­tomer of­fi­cer af­ter serv­ing as SVP of gross sales and mar­ket ac­cess. Ear­li­er, she was Shire’s US head of gross sales and US head of pa­tient ser­vices.
Sheri­ta Hall
→ Fu­eled by a $120 mil­lion increase from April, oph­thal­mol­o­gy up­begin Au­ri­on Biotech has named Sheri­ta Hall as VP, clin­i­cal op­er­a­tions and Ster­ling Chung as VP, glob­al reg­u­la­to­ry af­festivals. The for­mer VP of each clin­i­cal op­er­a­tions and professional­gram man­age­ment at Oc­u­lar Ther­a­peu­tix, Hall al­so led the moist AMD group at Re­genxbio. Chung had been answerable for reg­u­la­to­ry af­festivals at Ne­oleukin Ther­a­peu­tics and Mol­e­c­u­lar Tem­plates; ear­li­er, he had reg­u­la­to­ry gigs at Ab­bott, Take­da, Gilead and Seagen.
Stephen Bur­bidge
→ Last we heard from Rewind Ther­a­peu­tics, they had been convey­ing in Irene Knue­sel as CSO. Now, the Bel­gian com­pa­ny is re­cruit­ing Stephen Bur­bidge as head of re­search and dis­cov­ery. Bur­bidge cur­lease­ly serves as di­rec­tor of dis­cov­ery and pre­clin­i­cal initiatives at 3D Con­sul­tants, Cam­bridge (UK) and previously has been with Prox­im­a­gen and Glax­oW­ell­come/GSK.
→ Cal­i­for­nia AI begin­up Ter­ray Ther­a­peu­tics has opened up some house on the board of di­rec­tors for Xen­cor pres­i­dent and CEO Bassil Dahiy­at. The broth­ers Berlin at Ter­ray, Eli and Ja­cob, teamed up with Al­pha­guess sub Cal­i­co Life Sci­ences on de­vel­op­ing mul­ti­ple undis­closed tar­will get in Oc­to­ber.
Tr­isha Mil­li­can
→ Re­Code Ther­a­peu­tics, which topped off its Se­ries B in June with an advert­di­tion­al $120 mil­lion, has elect­ed ex-Metacrine CFO Tr­isha Mil­li­can to the board of di­rec­tors. Pre­vi­ous­ly, Mil­li­can had a board seat at Amu­nix, the Ang­ie You-led com­pa­ny that Sanofi purchased final 12 months.
→ For­mer LEO Phar­ma CEO Christo­pher Pos­ner is tak­ing a seat on the board of di­rec­tors at Kem­Pharm. Pos­ner cur­lease­ly serves as pres­i­dent and CEO of Cara Ther­a­peu­tics and has for­mer­ly had stints at Bris­tol My­ers, Pfiz­er, Wyeth and En­do.
→ Wrestling with lay­offs and the “busi­ness de­ci­sion” to shelve its on­ly clin­i­cal tri­al, PACT Phar­ma CEO Scott Gar­land has clinched a spot on the board of di­rec­tors at ALX On­col­o­gy. The ex-Por­to­la CEO al­so has board seats at Day One Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and Calithera Bio­sciences.
Ai­da Habtezion
→The PhRMA Foun­da­tion is convey­ing in additional hearth­pow­er to its board of di­rec­tors with the ap­level­ments of Ai­da Habtezion (Pfiz­er CMO), Ma­ha Rad­hakr­ish­nan (Bio­gen CMO), George Ad­dona (Mer­ck Re­search Lab­o­ra­to­ries SVP and head. of dis­cov­ery, pre­clin­i­cal and trans­la­tion­al med­i­cine), and Lori Reil­ly (PhRMA COO).
→ Frédéric Legros is be a part of­ing the board at Arthex Biotech as ex­ec­u­tive chair­man. Legros most re­cent­ly served as COO of Dy­nacure and was the for­mer VP and cor­po­price head of busi­ness de­vel­op­ment at Val­ne­va.
Hen­ry McK­in­nell
→ For­mer Pfiz­er chair­man and CEO Hen­ry McK­in­nell is head­ing over to the advert­vi­so­ry board of AI play­er Quris. McK­in­nell al­so boasts stints as chair­man of the boards of Moody’s and Ac­cor­dia Glob­al Health Foun­da­tion.
→ Ox­ford, UK-based Pathios Ther­a­peu­tics is wel­com­ing aboard Jean­marie Guenot to its board of di­rec­tors. Guenot cur­lease­ly sis the founder, pres­i­dent and CEO of Tore­ador Ther­a­peu­tics and has served in the identical ca­pac­i­ty at Am­phive­na, Har­poon Ther­a­peu­tics and Mav­er­ick Ther­a­peu­tics.
→ Two new faces are be a part of­ing the board of di­rec­tors at Bryn Phar­ma. Sandy Lore­aux, Co­vis Phar­ma’s US pres­i­dent, will take one and the oth­er shall be tak­en by Isosce­les Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals CEO William Humphries. In advert­di­tion to their cur­lease stints, Lore­aux for­mer­ly served in roles at  Mallinck­rodt, Bausch Health and Sanofi, whereas Humphries joins with ex­pe­ri­ence from pri­or stints at Or­tho Der­ma­to­log­ics, Merz, Stiefel Lab­o­ra­to­ries and GSK.
→ As Synair­gen greets new board mem­ber Aman­da Rad­ford, Iain Buchanan is re­tir­ing af­ter a 12-year run. Rad­ford has been group fi­nan­cial con­troller with BSI Group since Ju­ly.

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